Complete Shit... with no exaggeration

So I got this album and I've had it for quite a while. Before I decided to write about it, I gave it a chance. Actually, I've given it plenty of chances, and let's just say there's no helping this one. NOT even AUSTIN CARLILE can help these guys out. Carlile has a track on this album with T-Mills, who the fuck is that guy anyway? Sounds like a retarded rapper who never made it and lives off his Myspace to build a fan base.

HER DEMISE MY RISE are releasing their album THE TAKEOVER sometime um... hopefully never... Although they are under Uprising Records, yeah the label that also has BROADWAY, there is no official release date, track list, or even album art... Lucky for you guys, I have it, don't ask how but I have it. No I won't share, even though I couldn't care for the band that's just not me.

The album is 11 song and roughly 36 minutes of precious time that you could spend doing something else. It's filled with shitty auto-tune clean vocals and screams that don't differ in pitch or sound. The best thing about the album is the use of over blown 808s in just about the right place. The musicianship isn't bad at all but, it just doesn't going that well with the lyrics. Oh well good job UPRISING for signing a band you'll probably make no money off of, not too mention their fan base is like nothing.

If you like this band then good for you I'm proud that you have no taste. I'll be going now but don't you worry, I'LL BE BACK!


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This is why I am, Who I am

I go by the name Antonio Vazquez. For those who don't know who I am this is the time to find out. I was born December 1st, 1987 making me 21 years old. Yeah, that's right old enough to go out and drink partying all night. That's really not how it is. I have grown to be a responsible person. I work two jobs although my part time job isn't the best. I work at the Riggins Auto/Truck Plaza Gas Station as my part time job, I hate it there but it's money you know? As for my full time job, I work at my local Hospital, Regional Medical Center, or it's easier to just say RMC. I work as a PT transporter. For those who don't know what PT stands for it just simply means patient. I'm the guy that goes into the PTs room and tells them they have a test to go to and either it be a wheelchair or a stretcher I have to put them on one or the other.

But the real reason I created this blog is to tell you about my side Hobby/Job. I only call it a hobby because I don't really get paid for it. I only get to work with amazing bands and numerous of labels/publicists. I write reviews, interview bands, and post news for the site we like to call THEiNTERLUDE. Don't mind the lower case I, I just have a addiction to writting things like that.

What this blog is really about, is how I went from someone who made some bad choices when dealing with music and how I respect every band I get to work with. I love what I do and couldn't ask for more. So please enjoy what you read on here. I will discuss my ridiculous music collection and advance music from the time I get to listen to it to the point where I can't take anymore.

I will also get into detail how you can be involved in what I do, if you are really that interested in working with bands this is your time, at least I think so anyway.

Don't worry this will be fun.