Project Stand Up And Scream has begun!

Today is the start of a long process but a completely worth it one. I have started to chart Asking Alexandria's Stand Up And Scream for Guitar Hero. This takes a long time sometimes especially for myself because I work so often and for long periods of time. I have started with Hey There, Mr. Brooks as you all may have seen the video already, If not just scroll down.

I started with track one, Alerion. It's a simple intro but still took a little bit of time. I also have started track 2, Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel) and I must say it's looking pretty damn good. Each chart will be uploaded to Youtube on my channel my user name is OHiNFAMOUSANTX. So subscribe and get ready.

As for my old charts I am working on making them better before I start to record them. I have songs by Burden Of A Day, A Skylit Drive, and Silverstein. So be on the look out for those to be posted as well. For now here is the video to the start of this giant project that hopefully I can finish.

If you have any experience with Feedback, the Guitar Hero chart creator, please email me, OHiNFAMOUS@LIVE.COM. I would love help from anyone and everyone to get this done faster. ENJOY!


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This is why I am, Who I am

I go by the name Antonio Vazquez. For those who don't know who I am this is the time to find out. I was born December 1st, 1987 making me 21 years old. Yeah, that's right old enough to go out and drink partying all night. That's really not how it is. I have grown to be a responsible person. I work two jobs although my part time job isn't the best. I work at the Riggins Auto/Truck Plaza Gas Station as my part time job, I hate it there but it's money you know? As for my full time job, I work at my local Hospital, Regional Medical Center, or it's easier to just say RMC. I work as a PT transporter. For those who don't know what PT stands for it just simply means patient. I'm the guy that goes into the PTs room and tells them they have a test to go to and either it be a wheelchair or a stretcher I have to put them on one or the other.

But the real reason I created this blog is to tell you about my side Hobby/Job. I only call it a hobby because I don't really get paid for it. I only get to work with amazing bands and numerous of labels/publicists. I write reviews, interview bands, and post news for the site we like to call THEiNTERLUDE. Don't mind the lower case I, I just have a addiction to writting things like that.

What this blog is really about, is how I went from someone who made some bad choices when dealing with music and how I respect every band I get to work with. I love what I do and couldn't ask for more. So please enjoy what you read on here. I will discuss my ridiculous music collection and advance music from the time I get to listen to it to the point where I can't take anymore.

I will also get into detail how you can be involved in what I do, if you are really that interested in working with bands this is your time, at least I think so anyway.

Don't worry this will be fun.